

I’ve had several enquiries from other hospitals for patient notes. It seems that the Medical/Health Records Departments call their repositories ‘libraries’ so people call switchboard and ask for the medical library!


Like Wendy, I find that they are often very put out when I say that we don’t hold patient records. Some of them are very insistent and almost seem to think we’re being obstructive. “Well, if you don’t have patient records, what do you have in your library?”


It’s happened less frequently over the last couple of years, so maybe the penny has dropped!


Just another example of people appropriating library terminology (information, knowledge, library, etc) and adapting its meaning for their own purposes.


Recently, I was involved in a workshop to design our new intranet. There was a tab called ‘Knowledge Centre’. It held the Room Bookings, News, Wiki, Surveys, etc. I said I didn’t think that was knowledge and our Trust agreed to rename it. However, I’m told that this intranet system is in use in several Trusts already and they’re quite happy with the terminology. Somehow, I feel that this usage debases the term ‘knowledge’.


Tricia Rey
Library Services Manager
Queen Victoria Hospital
Holtye Road
East Grinstead
West Sussex
RH19 3DZ
01342 414266

Fax: 01342 414005


From: UK medical/ health care library community / information workers [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Leicester Frith Hospital
Sent: 12 February 2015 11:56
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Amusing enquiries


Hello Everyone


I was once rung up by a student who asked if she could come to the library to read the case reports on the hospital patients. (It was a psychiatric hospital at the time).

I said sorry we don’t have reports on patients in the library.  She said well what do you keep in the library then?  I said we have medical books and journals!

She was most disgruntled.




Best wishes








Wendy Pell

Library Assistant

Medical Library

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust

Adult Mental Health and Learning Disability Services Division

Leicester Frith Hospital

Mansion House

Groby Road




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