

Dear members of the Forced Migration List, 

We would like to let you know about the publication of the report ‘Alternatives to Immigration and Asylum Detention in the EU: The Time for Implementation’. 

This report is an integral part of the project MADE REAL – ‘Making Alternatives to Detention in Europe a Reality by Exchanges, Advocacy and Learning’ – which was co-financed by the European Commission and implemented by the Odysseus Academic Network together with 13 national partners.  

It constitutes a significant pooling of knowledge on the law and practice of detention decision-making and the operationalization of alternatives to detention in 6 EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, Lithuania, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom). In addition, it includes legal research on the scope of Member States’ obligations to implement alternatives to immigration detention under international, European (i.e. Council of Europe) and EU law.

You can access the report at the following link.

Please do not hesitate to disseminate this report to colleagues who may be interested.  

Best regards, 

Lilian Tsourdi (on behalf of the MADE REAL team) 

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