

***Apologies for cross-posting***

The DCC is pleased to announce three upcoming webinars. These free lunchtime sessions will last for a maximum of one hour and will provide participants with an an overview of tools and approaches as well as examples of emerging good practice. Upcoming webinars include:

*       Integrating data management planning into institutional processes: a case study from CPUT
      12:00-13:00, 13 April 2015
      Zanele Mathe from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology will talk about how they tested DMPonline and how data management planning might be integrated into existing CPUT processes.

*       Curation Costs Exchange: how to profile and compare curation related costs
      12:00-13:00, 6 May 2015
      This webinar will introduce participants to the Curation Costs Exchange tool which helps users to profile and compare their curation related costs.

*       DMPonline: recent updates and new functionality
      12:00-13:00, 27 May 2015
      This webinar will provide an overview of the new functionality being built into DMPonline.

To register for any or all of these sessions, please go to

All the best,

Joy Davidson
Associate Director
Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
HATII, University of Glasgow
11 University Gardens
G12 8QJ
Tel: 0141 330 8592
Email: [log in to unmask]