Dear all

Today we will have TWO project presentations.

Stephen Brown, Daniel Lametti, Emilia Molimpakis, Fred Dick & Jeremy Skipper
"Dynamic reorganization of language and the brain with sentence consolidation "

Naheem Bashir, Joern Diedrichsen & Peter Howell
"Using tDCS to explore the neural basis of stuttering: Brain states pre-, and post-tDCS training "

As all the presentations for the next months (see calendar) this will be at 3.30pm in the Liz Bates room at 32 Torrington Sq.

In future, please remember to send me the project proposal forms in time if you wish to be scheduled for a presentation. The presentation slides should be with me by the *Monday* before the presentation. Also, if you don't hear from me (or my email robot) for a day after sending me your form/slides, contact me again for confirmation!

Best wishes

Dr Dietrich Samuel Schwarzkopf
Independent Research Fellow
Experimental Psychology
University College London
26 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AP
United Kingdom

Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone:  +44 20 7679 5348
Mobile: +44 7759 133 177

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