

Byddwn yn ddiolchgar am sylwadau'r grwp am unrhyw agweddau ar ddefnyddio deunydd Cymraeg (yn arbennig adran y Gofrestrfa Tir!) ar wefan GOV.UK fel rhan o'm gwaith.

Hefyd, byddwn yn ddiolchgar am awgrymiadau ar gyfer fforymau/grwpiau trafod mewn perthynas â materion digidol yn y Gymraeg (y we, cyfryngau cymdeithasol, technoleg ac ati).  Rwy' wedi bod yn darllen Haciaith ond heb weithio allan sut i ymuno mewn trafodaethau/wneud sylwadau yno eto.

Diolch o galon!

Siwan Sloman
Welsh Translator/Cyfieithydd Cymraeg
Digital Team/Tîm Digidol

Commercial and Customer Directorate
Land Registry Head Office, Croydon
Land Registry Head Office, Trafalgar House, 1 Bedford Park, Croydon, CR0 2AQ
DX 8888 Croydon (3)
DD: 0300 006 7413 | GTN: 67413 | @LandRegGov | LinkedIn | Facebook

Land Registry is the definitive source of information for more than 24 million property titles in England and Wales. Since 1862 we have provided security and confidence in one of the most active property and mortgage markets in the world. We are working to support economic growth and data transparency as part of the Public Data Group. Find out more at

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