

Dear Jonathan,


Sounds like a fine and timely project, and when the time comes that you
would like to share some of your work, conclusions or recommendations with
our fairly broad international audience here at World Streets, I would be
pleased to talk with you about it.


One thought that comes to mind for your researchers, might be that they
could find some use in our little search engine with the admittedly ugly
name of KNOOGLE, which they can find all the background at . 


I just did a search for "railway terminals" and came up with some 4000
entries, which we can then look at either in terms of "relevance" or date.
I find both interesting


"Rail station redevelopment" was the references and ideas (hundred and 64


 If anybody decides to play with it, we would be very interested to have
their comments.  


Let's stay in touch,




PS.  This year my main project, other than keeping World Streets up, swept
clean and hopefully useful, and the consulting and teaching work that pays
the rent, is to advance my next book which I'm working on under the title
Toward a General Theory for Transport in Cities.  I am test driving concepts
and chapters from it over the first half of this year in a series of
university lectures here in Europe and at the end of the week will be taking
off for 10 days in Taiwan where I will have an opportunity to test my ideas
on graduate students and faculty in some of their leading universities.  It
is, I think, a fascinating program, and if you are at all interested I would
be pleased to share with you the workplan and notes for the first lecture
which is slated for the National Taiwan University faculty of graduate
studies on Saturday.



Francis Eric Knight Britton, Managing Director / Editor 


EcoPlan International. Association Loi de 1901

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