=================================== GridPP Technical Meeting 2015-01-16 =================================== http://indico.cern.ch/event/367091/ Present: Simon Fayer, Adam Huffman, Duncan Rand, Andrew Lahiff, David Colling, Gareth Roy, Kashif Mohammed, Pete Gronbech, Raul Lopes, Wahid Bhimji, Andrew McNab, Ewan MacMahon 1. Clouds and VMs ----------------- ATLAS CMS Andrew: Jelena at RAL testing analysis jobs on different clouds Not much production work at the moment, so harder to test that David: Scale testing at CERN LHCb Using OpenStack at CERN, now running flat-out Running much longer jobs, to avoid time wasted with VM turnover Deployed new pilot framework Still running VMs on clouds and Vac sites Started running on EGI FedCloud via OCCI GridPP jobs can now run on CERN OpenStack STFC Andrew: OpenNebula cloud being used for Tier 1 and other STFC testing Testing batch system expansion to use cloud resources and shrinkage when cloud busy (using HTCondor daemons) Not open for external users yet IC Not much to report Andrew McNab using IC OCCI interface for testing Manchester Andrew McNab Vac and Vcycle changes to minimise site admin remotely Boot image fetched remotely and provided automatically by Vcycle Looking at Vcycle accounting and wider accounting of cloud usage Some risk of double counting Will test this at IC Oxford Ewan: Vac being enabled for CMS and APEL accounting being configured Adding to site entry in GOCDB should be sufficient for accounting Kashif: OpenStack now running with Neutron and working on OCCI 2. Storage ---------- Wahid: pre-GDB on storage protocols See pre-GDB summary slides https://indico.cern.ch/event/319743/session/1/contribution/2/material/slides/1.pdf ATLAS still relying on SRM for deletions, for example There should be a summary of what sites need to offer to support a particular experiment 3. Networking ------------- Duncan: IPv6 F2F meeting at CERN next week 4. HEP Software Foundation -------------------------- Andrew McNab will talk about how they can help with small projects like Vac and Vcycle e.g. lack of ability to disseminate technical notes currently 5. Security ----------- 6. AOB ------