

Dear Muhammad,

do you mean that you have acquired continuous data (like for a sleep study?) and that, for some technical reasons, the data were split into several separate files?
If you're sure that there is no gap, i.e. no missed samples between the end of set #N and the beginning of set #N+1, then you could rebuild a single continuous data file.

From what you write, it looks like your data are saved as simple matlab arrays of number. Right?
In that case, the most straightforward solution would be to
1. create an empty data set in SPM format, with the right dimension and other information (channels, total duration, etc.),
2. loop through your data files, load them one at a time and push them into the SPM data object at the correct indexes in time.



De: "Muhammad Adeel Parvaz" <[log in to unmask]>
À: [log in to unmask]
Envoyé: Mercredi 7 Janvier 2015 05:22:34
Objet: [SPM] appending MEEG files

Hi SPMers,

I have some EEG data that was collected over a longer duration and was acquired in several different files (e.g., S001_task_000.mat to S001_task_0012.mat). I would like to first convert these files into SPM format (which I can do) and then append all the files together to get one data file per subject (which I am having difficulty with) before going through other preprocessing steps. Seems like both Prepare and Merge functions are not what I can use for this. Is there any other function in SPM that I can use to append these files?
