​​Here is another call for papers that may be of interest, especially (but not only) to colleagues working with scientific records.

Posted on behalf of Lucia Maria Velloso de Oliveira. With apologies for any cross-posting.

Seventh Conference on Scientific Archives, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

24th – 26th June, 2015

Call for Papers

The call for papers for the Seventh Conference on Scientific Archives is now open. The conference will have three distinct topics relating to the main themes of the Conference: 1- Records Management and Access to Information: challenges and guidelines for institutions of teaching and research; 2- Records management and its connection with society; 3- Research activities and records management

Theme 1 – Records management and its connection to society

Summary: The commitment to access to the information created within public administration as assumed by the State in Brazil with the enactment of Law 12,527 / 2011 - “the Access to Information Act” - implicitly considers that government organizations have control over the information that they produce and receive. We can also assume therefore that the creators control the records during the production, use, maintenance and disposal processes. This plenary considers records management as a set of actions, procedures and techniques involving operations from production, processing, use and disposal of documents that result in their eventual elimination or archiving in permanent custody, in this way promoting continued control. Thus, we intend to discuss to what extent the relationship between records management and information management is effectively equalized in the State and what are the minimum standards for a records management program that ensures effective access to information and the transparency of the State.

Theme 2 – Research activities and records management
Summary: – Research activities are carried out in universities, research centers or institutions and in environments such as laboratories, centres, and groups bringing together researchers with different profiles around a common objective. Research, which is generally considered the purpose of institutions, produces a wide range of documents of different types, genres and media that, in order to be carried out, assumes planning in stages and activities, the actions of which should be recorded and tracked. To this end, it is necessary to control the records created during the research process. Effectively, so that the records that are elaborated are adequate and appropriate, it is necessary that the records management programme includes these activities as its object of investigation and regulates their production, maintenance, use and disposal, thus promoting the discussion about the identification of which archival material in the organization of teaching and research is of permanent historical value.

The Seventh Conference on Scientific Archives is a promotion of the Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins, a research institution related to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa, an institution of memory and research related to the Ministry of Culture.

Registration and information:  (21) 3289-8675 (Luis Antônio) or 3289-8666 (Renata)
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Proposals should be submitted up to the 9th of March, 2015.

Evaluation will take place until the 8th of April, 2015.

Results will be published on line on the 10th of April, 2015 in the website http://www.mast.br

The final versions of the papers must be sent to [log in to unmask] by the 1st of June, 2015.

Only papers written in accordance with the established rules and dates and presented by their authors during the Conference will be published.

Abstracts should be submitted to the Academic Committee in English (for overseas delegates). A strict policy of author anonymity shall be adhered to ensuring that the Committee will only consider each proposal on its own merit. We seek individual or panel proposals (no more than 2 authors), the aim being to encourage discussion and debate throughout each session. Any proposal with more than 2 authors will not be considered.

Proposals should be analytical and relate to one of themes of the event. References to projects or case studies either in development or recently concluded will be encouraged if they describe how the project will contribute to the further development of archival theory and practice.

The abstract should be between 300-500 words, not counting the title (in bold) and the keywords. The abstract should be produced in a Microsoft WORD version, Times New Roman, 12, normal, right justified, with spacing of 1.5. The author(s) should present a brief bibliography of 10 items and keywords and must identify the theme his or her abstract is related to just above the title.

Please submit the abstract to the email address: [log in to unmask] by the 9th of March, 2015. Include a brief CV of the author(s), maximum 150 words.

English and Portuguese simultaneous translation will be provided during the Conference, as well as a computer, access to the Internet, projector and microphone.

Registration is free.

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