


I have a list of voxel values and positions which I'd like to visualize in FSLView, either overlaid on top of another anatomical image or just the voxel values. I want to verify that the voxels are clustered together and not dispersed all across the brain. I obtained these voxels by applying a recursive feature elimination (using SVMs) on a large group of case-controls. I'd like to verify whether the voxels selected correspond to regions in the brain that are known to be associated with the disease I'm investigating (schizophrenia). Or at least, they should be grouped together.

I looked at the various FSL tools (especially FSLUtils) but could not find any that allows me to do the above. I initially tried to run fsl2ascii on an existing nifti image, change the voxel values and then convert back to nifti using fslascii2img but the latter tool keeps complaining about the nr. voxels not matching the number of values in the text file, which is strange because I got the voxel dimensions from fslinfo. They should match.... 

Any ideas on how to proceed with this?

