

FWIW the issue about inferencing is unresolved within the Shapes group. 
It is quite possible/likely that OWL inferencing is not required for the 
system to work. In practical deployments, many (if not most) RDF 
applications that I have seen do not have inferencing activated.


On 1/24/15, 11:35 AM, Young,Jeff (OR) wrote:
> Karen,
> As you suggest an RDFS reasoner would infer rdf*s*:Resource.
> RDFS says tomaytos, OWL says tomottos, let's call the whole thing off. :-)
> I claim that things/resources exist and can be understood without class assignments. The same is true for, say, names. Names and types are very handy, but not essential.
> Jeff
>> On Jan 23, 2015, at 6:44 PM, Karen Coyle <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Jeff, would owl:Thing really be inferred in data that limits itself to RDFS? I think it depends on the applications, and today many applications are OWL-based (and therefore convert RDFS to OWL). Using RDFS I can see that rdf:Resource would be the logical inference when no subclass of rdf:Resource is included in the instance data, but I'm not sure how and when OWL becomes a default. In any case, is my assumption correct that one CAN create even complex graphs without necessarily making use of explicit classes?
>> kc
>>> On 1/23/15 12:19 PM, Young,Jeff (OR) wrote:
>>> Dealing with this might be an example:
>>> It's not so much that adding some types wouldn't be helpful, but sometimes we just don't know... at least not yet... and perhaps never will.
>>> Also note that at least one class could be automatically inferred: owl:Thing. That's because anything imaginable is, at the very least, a thing.
>>> Jeff
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: DCMI Architecture Forum [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
>>>> Behalf Of Karen Coyle
>>>> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 3:05 PM
>>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>>> Subject: Re: [RDF AP] First draft validation language proposal
>>>> I am having trouble getting across the idea that one might create data without
>>>> using explicit classes. I thought we could provide a DCT example, and started
>>>> one, but I think it needs to show more complexity.
>>>> The reason I think that is that members of the group are unable to conceive of
>>>> robust data without classes. So here's my start, and perhaps someone can
>>>> improve on it:
>>>> @prefix dct: <> .
>>>> @prefix ex: <> .
>>>> @prefix foaf: <> .
>>>> ex:A dct:title "Here's my book" ;
>>>>      dct:creator [
>>>>               dct:name "Karen" ;
>>>>               foaf:website <> ] .
>>>>      dct:publisher <> ;
>>>>      dct:date "2015" .
>>>> dct:name "Good Books" .
>>>> (I'm not sure that this illustrates what I intend it to.)
>>>> kc
>>>>> On 1/23/15 10:51 AM, Thomas Baker wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 10:12:38AM -0800, Karen Coyle wrote:
>>>>>> "Shapes" is a new term in this context, though, which has both
>>>>>> positive and negative aspects: positive because it carries less
>>>>>> baggage, negative because it will be unfamiliar and will have to be
>>>>>> learned.
>>>>> Yes - agreed.  IMO the lack of baggage is good.  The language will
>>>>> will have be learned, whatever it is called.
>>>>>> (Peter Patel-Schneider is dead set against anything that uses the
>>>>>> term "resource" because of potential conflicts with how "resource"
>>>>>> is defined in RDF.)
>>>>> I'm with Peter on that.
>>>>>> The group has talked quite a bit about what to call the "target" of
>>>>>> validation -- some favor using "class" because they anticipate in
>>>>>> their environments that every graph they address will be
>>>>>> distinguished as a particular class. Although I can see their point,
>>>>>> I'm not sure that the use of classes for open data will be as
>>>>>> extensive or reliable as it is in the enterprise systems that most
>>>>>> working group members work on. If we anticipate using
>>>>>> "un-constrained" RDA properties, then we do not have class
>>>>>> information to rely on to distinguish groups of triples for
>>>>>> validation.
>>>>> +1 to your position on this.  I strongly feel that this new language
>>>>> should not depend on classes or in any way force the use of classes
>>>>> (i.e., of specific subclasses of Resource).  The example of
>>>>> unconstrained RDA properties sounds good.
>>>>> Tom
>>>> --
>>>> Karen Coyle
>>>> [log in to unmask]
>>>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>>>> skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600
>> -- 
>> Karen Coyle
>> [log in to unmask]
>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>> skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600