


The editors of Anthropology Matters welcome expressions of interest
from early career scholars and PhD candidates to take part in the
editorial board of the journal.

Anthropology Matters is an online, open-access and peer-reviewed
journal, funded by the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK
and Commonwealth (ASA). Since its foundation in 1999, it has featured
pieces within social anthropology by PhD and early career researchers
as well as by established anthropologists (for instance from Daniel
Miller, Penny Harvey, Alberto Corsín-Jiménez, Madeleine Reeves, and so
forth). The journal publishes one or two issues per year, including
both general and themed issues. For more information about the journal
or to see its latest issue, visit the journal’s website.

Those interested in participating in the Anthropology Matters
editorial board should email current editors Ainhoa Montoya and Carna
Brkovic at [log in to unmask] by 15 March 2015.
Expressions of interest should include a brief motivation statement
indicating any prior editorial and publishing experience (up to 500
words) as well as a one page cv and a short piece of writing
(dissertation chapter/conference paper/article/blog post/etc.).

In addition, we also welcome expressions of interest from
anthropologists with experience in design, copyediting, and
proofreading, willing to volunteer for the journal.

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