

Dear colleagues, please consider joining this panel:

Crises and Alternatives: Ethnographies of hope in the age of capital

Panel at the German Anthropological Association (GAA) Biannual Conference 2015 "Crises: reconfigurations of life, power and worlds", 30 September - 3 October 2015, Marburg University.

Abstract: This workshop explores alternative ways of living that emerge in response to the economic, social, cultural and ecological crises brought about by globalizing capitalism. The workshop invites ethnographic and theoretical engagements with utopian and revolutionary experiments in non-capitalist economies, agro-food sovereignty within crises of the market. Rather than celebrating human ingenuity and inventiveness, the workshop explicitly asks about the articulation of such non-hegemonic experiments with proliferating political-ecological crises around the world. How do food crises articulate with food sovereignty movements? What kind of economic experiments do financial crises produce? What is the relationship of practical utopias to dystopian contexts? In bringing together ethnographies of creative counter-movements we aim to move beyond framings in terms of resistance and resilience, and contribute to the recent turn to anthropologies of hope in an era of extinction (Castree, Kirksey). While much anthropological thinking about contemporary ecological crisis and the future of the planet coalesces around the notion of the Anthropocene, this workshop asks its contributors to rethink these questions with an eye on political economy and the importance of capitalist development for many of today's crises. Hence we follow a recent suggestion to inquire into the Capitalocene, the Age of Capital, instead (Donna Haraway; Jason Moore). Contributions to this workshop address all kinds of utopian, revolutionary and non-hegemonic ways of production, exchange and consumption.

Convenor: Daniel Muenster (Heidelberg University)

Please submit both a long version (max. 1,200 characters including spaces) and a short version (max. 300 characters including spaces) of your abstract to: [log in to unmask]

Deadline: 15 February 2015

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