Dear Helmut,
If I am understanding this correctly, I should do
1. Run segmentation in SPM and select "East Asian" in segmentation.
2 Run Dartel as usual (select grey and white images) and hit run.
3. Replace the TPM.nii file with my template.nii file and  Run normalize to MNI space. How about labels_Neuromorphometrics.nii/xml file? I don't have these files for Chinese brain template. Is this ok? 
4. After running the statistical analysis, will I be able to know which area has significance (since this group is not in MNI space, instead it is in Chinese brain 56 template space). I got this template from loni's website.

Thanks for any input.

Helmut Nebl <[log in to unmask]>于2014年12月6日星期六写道:
Dear Miao,

It should be sufficient to
1) replace the TPMs / templates or to change the corresponding paths. The normalised images generated during segmentation would then be in the space of these priors/templates, so instead of MNI it would be "Chinese atlas space".
2) adjust some of the restraining parameters (like the East Asian settings for affine regularisations), which is going to depend on the templates.

However, as far as I can see there are no TPMs, so the T1 templates are not that useful. If you have a very large data set you could try to create your own TPMs of course, starting with these T1 templates (but you would probably create your own then).

