

Dear Helmut,
If I am understanding this correctly, I should do
1. Run segmentation in SPM and select "East Asian" in segmentation.
2 Run Dartel as usual (select grey and white images) and hit run.
3. Replace the TPM.nii file with my template.nii file and  Run normalize to
MNI space. How about labels_Neuromorphometrics.nii/xml file? I don't have
these files for Chinese brain template. Is this ok?
4. After running the statistical analysis, will I be able to know which
area has significance (since this group is not in MNI space, instead it is
in Chinese brain 56 template space). I got this template from loni's

Thanks for any input.

Helmut Nebl <[log in to unmask]>于2014年12月6日星期六写道:

> Dear Miao,
> It should be sufficient to
> 1) replace the TPMs / templates or to change the corresponding paths. The
> normalised images generated during segmentation would then be in the space
> of these priors/templates, so instead of MNI it would be "Chinese atlas
> space".
> 2) adjust some of the restraining parameters (like the East Asian settings
> for affine regularisations), which is going to depend on the templates.
> However, as far as I can see there are no TPMs, so the T1 templates are
> not that useful. If you have a very large data set you could try to create
> your own TPMs of course, starting with these T1 templates (but you would
> probably create your own then).
> Best,
> Helmut