Thank you for your reply.
Sorry for the basic question, but could you explain more how to restore the data?
I'm still confused about the "remove". Is it performed by glm or something?

All the best,


2014-12-17 20:14 GMT+09:00 Matthew Webster <[log in to unmask]>:
Hello EK,
                 The mean component is the timeseries average ( sum divided by number of elements ). If you wish to apply a highpass filter but retain the mean, you will need to save the timeseries mean before filtering and restore it after filtering.

Kind Regards

> To experts,
> In FSL v 5.0.7, "the highpass temporal filter in fslmaths now removes the mean component."
> Does anybody know what is "the mean component"?
> I obtained different results v 5.0.6, and v 5.0.7 using highpass filtering (-bptf).
> The mean component should be treated as noise?
> If not, how can I set options like v 5.0.6?
> All the best,
> EK