

Hi Ali,

have you tried to run the command bedpostx_datacheck from the terminal, giving it the folder where you have put the data? This will tell you whether bedpostx is having trouble in locating the file that it needs.


On 10 Dec 2014, at 17:17, ali nahardani <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:

Dear all FSL Experts,

I am new with the FSL. I have acquired the DTI data from a siemens scanner. i would like to do the probabilistic tractography on my data.
I have perforemed the DTIFIT processing without any problems. but when i perform BEDPOSTX processing, i see this error: "Child Process exits abnormally".

here is my pipeline that i have done so far:

1)I acquired 77, 12 directional DTI MUSAIC dicom images from the scanner,

2)I used the "dcm2nii" software to convert the dicoms into NIFTI format,  (3 files are produced: (A) 20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.nii.gz (B) 20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.bvec (C) 20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.bval

3)I did Eddy correction on my pipe line, ( ////// input: 20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.nii.gz
///// output:  data.nii.gz & data.ecclog )

4)I did BET. ( ////input: data.nii.gz ////////output: data_brain_mask.nii.gz)

5)Then, i did DTIFIT.I did the file input manually . (///// input: data.nii.gz ,,,,,,,  20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.bvec ,,,,,,,, 20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.bval ,,,,,,,, data_brain_mask.nii.gz //////// output: dti.fa.nii.gz ,,,,,,,, dti.L1.nii.gz ,,,,,,dti.L2.nii.gz,,,,,,,,,,dti.fa.L3.gz,,,,,,,,,dti.fa.V1.gz,,,,,,,dti.fa.v2.gz,,,,,,,,dti.fa.v3.gz,,,,,,dti.MD.nii.gz,,,,,,dti.MO.nii.gz,,,,,dti.S0.nii.gz)

6) I checked the data up to this level with the FSLview. everything was ok until here.

7) when i wanted to perform the BEDPOSTX level, this error came on my screen: "Child Process exited abnormally". this might be worthnoting that, all of my files were in the same folder. I tried this level many times, but i could not succeed.

in one of my efforts, i changed the filenames of the post-BET data to data, the filename of the data_brain_Mask into nodif_brain_mask, the file name of the vector text into bvecs, and the b-value text into bvals. but i faced the error "Child Process exited abnormally" again.

what should i do to overcome this problem? could you please help me to solve it????

thank you so much my for your attention.