

Dear all FSL Experts,
I am new with the FSL. I have acquired the DTI data from a siemens scanner. i would like to do the probabilistic tractography on my data. 
I have perforemed the DTIFIT processing without any problems. but when i perform BEDPOSTX processing, i see this error: "Child Process exits abnormally".
here is my pipeline that i have done so far:
1)I acquired 77, 12 directional DTI MUSAIC dicom images from the scanner,
2)I used the "dcm2nii" software to convert the dicoms into NIFTI format,  (3 files are produced: (A) 20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.nii.gz (B) 20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.bvec (C) 20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.bval
3)I did Eddy correction on my pipe line, ( ////// input: 20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.nii.gz
///// output:  data.nii.gz & data.ecclog )
4)I did BET. ( ////input: data.nii.gz ////////output: data_brain_mask.nii.gz)
5)Then, i did DTIFIT.I did the file input manually . (///// input: data.nii.gz ,,,,,,,  20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.bvec ,,,,,,,, 20140713_174501ep2ddiffmddw20p2s007a001.bval ,,,,,,,, data_brain_mask.nii.gz //////// output: dti.fa.nii.gz ,,,,,,,, dti.L1.nii.gz ,,,,,,dti.L2.nii.gz,,,,,,,,,,dti.fa.L3.gz,,,,,,,,,dti.fa.V1.gz,,,,,,,dti.fa.v2.gz,,,,,,,,dti.fa.v3.gz,,,,,,dti.MD.nii.gz,,,,,,dti.MO.nii.gz,,,,,dti.S0.nii.gz)
6) I checked the data up to this level with the FSLview. everything was ok until here.
7) when i wanted to perform the BEDPOSTX level, this error came on my screen: "Child Process exited abnormally". this might be worthnoting that, all of my files were in the same folder. I tried this level many times, but i could not succeed. 

in one of my efforts, i changed the filenames of the post-BET data to data, the filename of the data_brain_Mask into nodif_brain_mask, the file name of the vector text into bvecs, and the b-value text into bvals. but i faced the error "Child Process exited abnormally" again.
what should i do to overcome this problem? could you please help me to solve it????
thank you so much my for your attention.