

Call for Papers: SIEF2015 12th Congress: Zagreb, Croatia. 21-25 June 
2015 "Utopias, Realities, Heritages. Ethnographies for the 21st century"

Panel P003: *What future for EUtopia? Trajectories of Europeanization 
from the core and the periphery *

Panel Organisers:
Alexandra Schwell, University of Vienna
Orlanda Obad, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb

"Europe" has become a focal point for definitions of concepts such as 
"modernity" and "civilization", and it is also often held synonymous 
with notions such as "soulless bureaucracy", "gated community", "space 
of anxiety", and "island of the privileged". Today, European political 
and economic unity seems to be unfolding in parallel realities which 
occasionally intertwine in unexpected ways: from the intricate practices 
of officials within Brussels' European Quarter to the rise of 
Euro-sceptic parties, from crisis-ridden and stereotyped societies of 
the European South to the deadly plights of migrants and asylum seekers.
In this panel, we scrutinize the various ways in which "Europe" 
functions as a template for utopian/dystopian projections and 
imaginaries at the core, the periphery and beyond the margins. In order 
to avoid a sense of "geographical egoism" (cf. Maxwell 2011), inherent 
even in the critical theoretical approaches, we seek to open the 
dialogue between these multiple perspectives. We intend to focus both on 
hierarchies which create divisions within Europe as well as power 
asymmetries, which arise in core/periphery relations. We seek to uncover 
utopian/dystopian imaginaries that cross-cut this discursive space and 
simultaneously yield practical and tangible consequences for individual 
actors. What is the future of the European imaginary?

We welcome proposals for papers on any of the following areas, but by no 
means confined to these:
• Policies, politics, and institutions
• Cultural hemispheres and unexpected peripheries
• Effects and affects of utopian/dystopian projections and imaginaries
• Colonial legacies and new migratory dynamics
• Eastern/Western Whiteness

The call for papers is now open, and it closes at midnight on 14 January 

Papers have to be submitted via the website; if you are interested in 
proposing a paper, follow this link:


*Dr. Alexandra Schwell*

Institut für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien

Hanuschgasse 3 | A - 1010 Wien

Telefon +43-(0)1-4277 44006 | Fax  +43-(0)1-4277 9418

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Football Research in an Enlarged Europe FREE <>


Schwell, Alexandra (2014): Compensating (In)Security. Anthropological 
Perspectives on Internal Security,

in: Catarina Frois, Mark Maguire and Nils Zurawski (eds.): The 
Anthropology of Security: 

Perspectives from the Frontline of Policing, Counter-Terrorism and 
Border Contro. London: PlutoPress, 83-103.

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