

The deformations usually used for spatially normalising images involve a
mapping from MNI coordinates to real-world mm coordinates.  If you are
using SPM12, you should be able to just read off the x, y, z value stored
at the relevant MNI coordinate, in order to see where the points originally
come from.  If you are using an older version of SPM, then you can write
out the deformations as a y_*.nii using the "Deformations Utility", and do
the same using this.

Best regards,

On 10 November 2014 15:16, Michelle Chen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear SPM experts,
> I am trying to register fNIRS (functional near-infrared light
> spectroscopy) channels to individual MRIs. I have the coordinates projected
> from the scalp to cortical surface. The coordinates are in MNI coordinates
> (mm). For inter-subject comparison, is there a way to extract the
> normalization information from the SPM pre-processing routine and apply it
> to the coordinates I have? I know that SPM normalization involves both an
> affine and nonlinear transformation.
> --
> Hsien Yun (Michelle) Chen
> Ph.D. Candidate
> Clinical Psychology, Health Emphasis
> Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology
> Yeshiva University