Thank you very much, Patrick!

Best wishes, Andrea

Andrea Dúll, Dr. 
PhD. habil., associate professor, Head of department

1064 Budapest, Izabella u. 46. III/318.

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2014-11-28 14:23 GMT+01:00 Devine-Wright, Patrick <[log in to unmask]>:
Dear members of the IAPS Place listserve ....

I would like to see a little more traffic on this listserve, keeping all of us up to date with any news you might have about new publications, projects, meetings, conferences etc. that might be of interest to a community interested in matters of place research.

To lead by example, I would like to bring a new journal paper of mine to your attention, just out in Global Environmental Change. This is an empirical paper that explores the links between multiple place attachments and beliefs about climate change, using a survey method with a large, representative sample of Australian citizens. I hope that you find it of interest:

Feel free to bring other interesting sources of information or news to our attention.

All the best


Professor Patrick Devine-Wright
Geography, Life and Environmental Sciences
University of Exeter
Amory Building, Rennes Drive, Exeter, Devon, EX4 4RJ.
Tel: 01392 722298
Staff webpage:
Sustainable Grid Development research project:
New Book: Place Attachment: Advances in Theory, Method and Application.