

Dear all,

Cardiff SEG Chapter has organised a 3 day course on Geochemical Exploration to take place Wednesday 7th - Friday 9th January (inclusive) at the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University

The course will be led by Dr Denis Martin Schlatter (EurGeol) who is a mineral exploration consultant (Helvetica Exploration Services GmbH). 

The course will cover various mineral deposit models (including VMS, orogenic Au, IRGS, Ni-(Au), Ni-Cu-PGE) and how these can be applied in geochemical exploration. Case studies are likely to include deposits predominantly in Greenland and Sweden. The course will involve a combination of lectures (e.g., basic principals, mobile vs. immobile elements, "pathfiner" elements, precision vs. accuracy, lithogeochemical techniques, and alteration/mineralisation vectors) alongside practicals in petrology and geochemical data handling and interpretation. There is also likely to be a casual afternoon seminar on the final day, during which time undergraduate and MESci students may present relevant project work, providing participants with presentation experience (tbc). Additional talks will include an evening presentation on historic Greenlandic and polar explorers such as Alfred Wegener, as well as a presentation on REE mineralisation in Greenland (Josh Hughes; Chief Geologist of Nuna Minerals).

Course cost is £28 per person, and will cover lunch and refreshments throughout the 3 days. 

The course is only open to current students and is particularly aimed at undergraduate BSc and MESci (most suitable for 2 years upwards), and MSc students. Students do not need to be affiliated with an SEG Chapter in order to attend. 

Only 18 places remain currently available. To reserve a place on the course, please email the following information
Degree course/year:
SEG Chapter member (if applicable):

with 'Geochemical Exploration Course' as the subject title
and send to [log in to unmask]

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. We cannot offer accommodation to non-Cardiff students, nor can we provide financial support to this end. 

This is an extremely rare opportunity for students to attend a industry-led course run by an chartered industry professional, and at such low cost. 

Please circulate this email to any potentially interested students at your host institution. 

Kind regards,


Hannah Hughes
PhD Postgraduate Researcher
School of Earth & Ocean Sciences,
Cardiff University, 
Main Building, Park Place, 
Cardiff CF10 3AT
United Kingdom

email: [log in to unmask]
extension number 76420
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo-mineralisation is administered by the Mineral Deposits Studies Group (UK) (