


I'm trying to analyse a 2x2x2 RM group design but am struggling when it comes to my ROI analysis. 

In terms of the design I have: 

factor A(scan 1 and scan 2)
factor B (low and high pain)
factor C (easy and hard task) 

For each subject I have four experimental cope files (for each scan, so 8 in total):
Cope 1 - Easy_low (scan 1)
Cope 2- Easy_high (scan 1)
Cope 3- Hard_low (scan 1)
Cope 4 - Hard_high (scan 1)

Cope 1 - Easy_low (scan 2)
Cope 2 - Easy_high (scan 2)
Cope 3 - Hard_low (scan 2)
Cope 4 - Hard_high (scan 2)

Ideally I would like to assess whether there are any main effects (A,B,C) or interactions (2- and 3-way) for each of my pre-defined ROIs. I can see a lot of hurdles due to the RM design. Would it be the case that I use fslmaths to create bias scores representing the main effects and interactions and use t-tests to explore the differences? 

Any advice would be much appreciated.