

Dear all,


The ESRC is launching this opportunity. The call can be found  here:

“ the funding available for each evidence programme is between £875,000 and
£1.063 million (100 per cent fEC) over three years”



As I’m just a PhD student, I’d be interested Interest in knowing if someone
is participating and if I could be get somehow involved. 

I am currently a PhD student and I will be adopting a workshop on
self-empowerment as part of my research into prisons. 

I also have the opportunity to get this workshop started in Lincolnshire and
it would be great if, with someone with the right background and interest,
we could redesign the project (by including further activities and building
on recent research) and plan a longitudinal study. 

This workshop focuses on self-empowerment (intended as: positive thinking,
internal locus of control, hopefulness, and self-efficacy) and draws from
some work already conducted in Italy from a group of psychologists. The
reason for my interest lies in the fact that it has great potential (and has
been showing good results in Italy); it has not been used in the UK yet; and
there’s no long-term evidence of its efficacy. 


If interested or know of someone who could be interested , please do get in


All the very best,




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