

Call for abstracts: 
9th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology (ISCHP), 12-15 July, 2015


The ISCHP brings together health scholars who are interested in exploring ongoing and emerging issues in critical research, critical theory and critical practice in relation to health and health care. This shared interest in critical approaches to healthcare is exemplified in the theme of the 9th Biennial Conference, ‘Health, Health Care and Social Justice’.


The call for abstracts for the 9th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology (ISCHP) is now open.


The ISCHP invites conference abstract submissions that take a critical stance on any aspect of health, health care and social justice. The conference will be broadly structured under the following conference themes:

·         Health systems, histories, and politics

·         Critical health education, interventions and treatment

·         Critical theory and methods in health research

·         Health and health care in social and communicative contexts


The following formats for presentations are welcomed:

1.     Poster

2.     Individual paper:This is a paper presentation followed by questions/discussion.

3.     Symposium:A symposium is organised around a common topic. A range of formats for the presentation of symposia is available. These are: four paper presentations; three paper presentations and discussant; round-table discussions; soap-box presentations; debates; pecha kucha sessions; and five-minute challenge sessions.


Abstract submission forms are available on the conference website. To find out more about this conference, please visit


We look forward to seeing you in Grahamstown!



ISCHP Conference Team

email: [log in to unmask]


___________________________________ The list is jointly managed by David Fryer [log in to unmask] and Grant Jeffrey [log in to unmask], either of whom are able to deal with queries. To unsubscribe or to change your details on this COMMUNITYPSYCHUK list, visit the website: