Please feel free to keep posting on previous topics, but we’ll now also move on to our final session of the e-forum, which we’ve called “alternative approaches”.


This is really a catch-all term for ‘anything we haven’t covered yet’, including non-MARC cataloguing, outsourcing, data harvesting, etc etc. The move to shelf-ready and e-resources bought from large vendors has already been mentioned and yesterday we touched on formats such as XML which are becoming increasingly important. Linked data and Bibframe are also up-and-coming areas where cataloguing skills are necessary.


Has anyone worked with/trained people in a non-MARC environment?


Are there standards/skill sets/codes which are more important to you than the trinity of AACR2/MARC/RDA?



Helen Doyle | Information Officer

Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
3 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2AQ, United Kingdom
Tel +44 20 7444 3456 | Fax +44 20 7283 6500
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From: CIG E-Forum [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Bernadette O'Reilly
Sent: 26 November 2014 13:08
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [CIG-E-FORUM] Session 3 thanks


Hello all

Many thanks to everyone who has taken part in this morning’s discussions.  You are very welcome to continue with these threads, but this afternoon  Helen (Doyle) will be taking over and focusing particularly on alternative approaches and roles, such as non-MARC records, brief records, data harvesting and outsourcing.

I have to be on a conference call after lunch, but look forward to catching up later in the afternoon.


Thanks again!


All good wishes,


Bernadette O'Reilly
Catalogue Support Librarian

Bodleian Libraries,
Osney One Building
Osney Mead
Oxford OX2 0EW.

For cataloguing advice: [log in to unmask]
For course enquiries (cataloguing, holdings & items): [log in to unmask]
For other correspondence: [log in to unmask]

01865 2-77134



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