

Dear Wei,
Thank you for reporting this bug (indeed). I have made a note on how to 
fix it here: 

It will also be fixed in the next (1.4) release, but that will take at 
least another 6 months to be released.

On 10/30/2014 05:21 PM, Wei Lü wrote:
> Hi Sjors,
> I found some strange behavior of Relion when I extract movie particles.
> In my raw data each movie contains 25 frames (1-25).
> - If I let Relion to extract particles starting from the first frame, e.g.
> 1-25 or 1-23, everything is fine.
> - If I let Relion to exclude the first few frames, e.g. 3-23 or 4-23, what
> I got is actually 3-21 or 4-20. Because the total number of frames are 21
> or 20, Relion just fills the rest with frame 21 (x2) or frame 20 (x3).
> - Generally, regardless where are the first frame (m) and last frame (n),
> it always extract frames from (m) to (n-m+1) and fill the rest with frame
> (n-m+1).
> Do you think it is a bug? And could it be the reason that my refinement
> is always at "Expanding..." ?
> Thanks,
> Wei

Sjors Scheres
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Cambridge CB2 0QH, U.K.
tel: +44 (0)1223 267061