

Hi Monica,

what is the reducing agent the protein gets the electron from?
Or is it simply unspecific oxidation of protein side chains?

Do you know what are the coordinating residues of Fe3+ / Fe2+ ?

Dependent on the coordination Fe3+ has some (often very weak) d-d 
transitions (400-500 nm) which are absent in Fe2+.

Best method of choice to check whether you have Fe3+ or Fe2+ is EPR.

Godd luck!

> I am working on a protein which binds to its ligand in a particular 
> state i.e. Fe3+ state (active) and reduces it to Fe2+ state 
> (inactive). I am trying to set up crystallisation trials with the 
> ligand but seems like difficult to get them. However i just needed an 
> advice here, is there any way to know whether the protein is in Fe2+ 
> state or Fe3+ state or how can i make the protein to exist in more of 
> Fe3+ state so that i increase the probability of ligand binding to the 
> protein.
> Your advice is highly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance !!
> Cheers
> Monica