

It isn’t necessary for a visual artist to know how to draw anymore. nor is it necessary for a poet to know how to write doggerrel.


> On Nov 8, 2014, at 6:13 PM, jesse <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> And you don’t have to be an “English major” to do it.  What’s interesting to me is that it takes a whole lifetime to learn to do something well and these people haven’t even begun to begin and still they abruptly want us to throw up our hands and speak Venusian into 100000000 digicams, buy counless expensive up-dates to our Google-glas and whatever else the genuises at Apple and Google and Giggle tell us to buy to pipe our air-chops and chirps and high and low kicking dance steps and slogans and raps and taps into a numberless number of websites transformable into hand-held devices and gps anchored free-floating cloud-infused, quantified cyber crypto-enclosed, screwed (yes, in my opinion, ulimately) and screwable into the body-modified plug-it-right-into-the-middle-of-the-forehead-if-not-right-up-the-old-wazoo surgical port to bring a stirring virtual experience of a multi-dimensional internal state of any flavor you choose directly to the frontal lobe nearest you, so that someone who cares nothing about any on this—indeed looks down on most of the humanities as something like a hobby for the less able kids from the wrong side of the tracks—becomes richer than you’ll ever be, when a stub of pencil and a scrap of paper, workable eyes and a thinking mind and a willingness to try and try again for a life-time with no promises of success will serve just as well for mere pennies to pounds. 
> And where’s my brace of virtual happy faces when I need them?
> Well, you’ll just have to drill a hole in your head and hook up to the main frame to see ‘em, I guess!
> Jess