We terminal adolescents, still raging or at least spluttering, salute you, Peter,

On 16 Nov 2014, at 11:39, Peter Riley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

My latest coverage in The Fortnightly Review is of three poets described as “no longer young”. They are Lee Harwood, John James, and Stephen Watts.


Young poets being all the rage these days, the younger the better, I thought some attention might be paid to some who have passed the age of 16.


To this is added “Books Received”, a group of short reviews (couple of sentences to a short paragraph) of mostly “edge” category (but not so young) poets, they being: Tim Allen, Seán Carey, John Wedgewood Clarke, Andy Brown, Leslie Bell, Kelvin Corcoran, Anthony Costello, Peter Dent, Rod Mengham and Lisa Robertson.
