

Dear colleagues, 

We invite paper proposals for a panel on anthropology and heritage studies which will be held at the ASA15 conference in Exeter, 13th-16th April 2015. 


As a discipline that has traditionally been founded on concepts of culture and identity, anthropology has long been engaged in doing ethnography in heritage sites and on cultural objects and their relations with issues such as memory, belonging, identity, and indigenous knowledge. Over the past decades, heritage has increasingly drawn the attention of scholars from across various disciplines in a context of intensification and diversification of heritage practices both by state and non-state actors. 

The aim of this panel is to bring together scholars from various disciplines and professional backgrounds including anthropology, archaeology, cultural studies, museum studies and curatorship in order to foster interdisciplinary discussion and explore the shifting boundaries of anthropology and heritage studies. What forms can collaboration take across disciplines and between scholars and practitioners? How do scholars and especially anthropologists engage creatively with interdisciplinarity and professional practice for example in heritage management, museum practices and policy-making? How do innovative collaborations in and outside academia and the use of new technologies for heritage management impact on research methodologies and theorisation? What is the impact of our research on publics, indigenous perceptions and agency, institutional management of heritage and policies? How do we situate ourselves within these fields of practices and power? Should we develop new roles and engagements and how can we go about it? 

We invite researchers to submit contributions that critically address these questions or any related issue dealing with interdisciplinarity, research innovations and new roles and engagements in the field of heritage studies. 

Papers can be proposed via the ASA15 website: 

The call for papers closes at midnight on 1st December 2014 . 

Best wishes, 

Stéphanie A. Loddo 
PhD candidate in Anthropology 
Iris (Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux sociaux ) 
190-198 avenue de France 75244 Paris cedex 13 

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