Matrix Bite Drug Matrix Bites row 4. The talking road to recovery
Time to consolidate the lessons of the course’s last five instalments, all on psychosocial or ‘talking’ therapies. Every treatment involves direct or indirect human interaction, but this row is about therapies in which interaction is intended to be the main active ingredient.

Research teaches us to see these approaches as the individualised enactment of the client-worker relationship within the helpful or hindering contexts of management systems and organisational climates.

Click on cells in row 4 of the Matrix and unfold bites by clicking the Matrix Bite link at the bottom or go to your chosen cell and bite in the list below.
Matrix row 4
The five cells

A4. Interventions: Individuals, not programmes
Research may have to standardise, real-world therapy does/should not; treatment is essentially individual. From this perspective, queries the American Psychological Association’s key elements of addiction therapy.

B4. Practitioners: Focus on the therapeutic relationship
In psychosocial therapies, the structured enactment of the client-worker relationship is the treatment. Asks whether some therapists are more successful because they forge stronger, more ‘therapeutic’ relationships.

C4. Management: Performance feedback critical to developing staff
As post-workshop coaching, feedback to therapists on how well they/their patients are doing embeds gains from training; in day-to-day work, it prompts therapists to change tack with poorly progressing patients.

D4. Organisations: Workplace climate underpins therapeutic advances
Ask yourself, ‘Is my service even ready to try new approaches?’, and whether change driven by money is just as good for clients as that motivated by desire to improve their lives.

E4. Whole systems: Roles of mutual aid and residential rehabilitation
Mutual aid seems the way to do more (recovery) with less (money), but does promoting groups boost outcomes, or just attendance? At the other end of the cost range is residential rehabilitation; should it be used more?

More ways to appreciate the matrices
Visit the matrices page of the Effectiveness Bank web site for articles, presentations, and a video explaining their genesis and construction.

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