

Hi Amy,

> I'd like to do an fMRI experiment wherein,  instead of taking the
> subject template to MNI template, I need them in their native space. MAy
> I know how to perform such experiment?

This will actually be easier on the first level as you simply skip the 
step of spatial normalization :) It becomes slightly more tricky 
afterwards but not overly so: instead of normalizing all EPI images, you 
now only normalize the con-images and perform second-level statistics on 
these. One issue to be aware of is that more extensive interpolation 
schemes (such as higher level b-splines in spm) will lead to 
out-of-brain voxels not being absolutely 0, which may interfere with 
mask generation. You can use an explicit mask to that effect.

Incidentally, I think this is actually the preferred approach: 
mathematically, they should yield pretty much equivalent results but 
they don't. The issue, of course, is interpolation, and without having 
explored this exhaustively, I believe that one can make the case that it 
is better "to interpolate" the results (generated from non-interpolated 
raw data) than "to interpolate" the raw data. But that is only my 2 cents.


PD Dr. med. Marko Wilke
  Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
  Leiter, Experimentelle Pädiatrische Neurobildgebung
  Abt. III (Neuropädiatrie)

Marko Wilke, MD, PhD
  Head, Experimental Pediatric Neuroimaging
  University Children's Hospital
  Dept. III (Pediatric Neurology)

Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 1
  D - 72076 Tübingen, Germany
  Tel. +49 7071 29-83416
  Fax  +49 7071 29-5473
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