

Dear colleagues,

With apologies for cross-posting…

We are about to celebrate the end of the second full year of the Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy. During these two years we have published one special issue, two themed sections and a large number of excellent papers that are at the cutting edge of internationally focused research (see below).

We are also pleased to announce that the journal will now be based within a new Centre for International and Global Social Policy at the University of York. 

You can access the journal at:

We would also like to take this opportunity to invite you to submit papers on any area of comparative and/or international social policy to the journal.  We aim to publish papers within 12 months of initial submission.   

Please do email us if you would like to run ideas for a paper or special issue by us.

Past issues:
Volume 30, Issue 2, 2014
Sam W.K. Yu, Ruby C.M. Chau, Kathy Boxall & Wind C.Y. Chung, 'Looking to the east and the west: the double-attachment strategy used by the Hong Kong government to develop welfare to work measures for lone parents'
Robert M. Page, 'Running out of road? Dilemmas and issues for the British Labour Party and the Swedish Social Democratic Party in their search for a ‘modern’ welfare state narrative'
Daniel Clegg. 'Themed section: Reforming minimum income protection in Europe'
Matteo Jessoula, Julia Kubisa, Ilaria Madama & Marianna Zielenska. 'Understanding convergence and divergence: old and new cleavages in the politics of minimum income schemes in Italy and Poland'
Daniel Clegg. 'Convergence from below? The reform of minimum income protection in France and the UK'
Anna Angelin, Håkan Johansson & Max Koch. 'Patterns of institutional change in minimum income protection in Sweden and Germany'
Martin Heidenreich, Norbert Petzold, Marcello Natili & Alexandru Panican. 'Active inclusion as an organisational challenge: integrated anti-poverty policies in three European countries.'

Volume 30, Issue 1, 2014
Special Issue: Gender justice and global policy paradigms
Guest Editors: Patricia Kennett and Sarah Payne
Patricia Kennett and Sarah Payne ‘Gender justice and global policy paradigms’ Birte Siim ‘Conflicts and negotiations about framings of gender equality and diversity by political actors within the European public sphere’
Sarah Payne ‘Gender mainstreaming as a global policy paradigm: barriers to gender justice in health’
Lai Ching Leung ‘Gender mainstreaming childcare policy: barriers in a Confucian welfare society’
Andrea Krizsan, Hege Skjeie and Judith Squires ‘The changing nature of European equality regimes: explaining convergence and variation’
Julia S. O’Connor ‘Gender mainstreaming in the European Union: broadening the possibilities for gender equality and/or an inherently constrained exercise?’
Samantha Velluti ‘Gender regimes and gender equality measures in Central Eastern European Countries post-accession: the case of Hungary and Poland’

Volume 29, Issue 3, 2013
Ian Gough ‘Climate change, social policy, and global governance’
Theodoros Papadopoulos, Antonios Roumpakis ‘Familistic welfare capitalism in crisis: social reproduction and anti-social policy in Greece’
Themed section: The Cold War and the Welfare State
Klaus Petersen ‘The early Cold War and the Western welfare state’
Tomasz Inglot ‘Western welfare states watched from the East during the Cold War: condemnation, competition, and creative learning’
Herbert Obinger, Shinyong Lee ‘The Cold War and the welfare state in divided Korea and Germany’

Volume 29, Issue 2, 2013
Majella Kilkey, Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck ‘Fathers' time-bind and the outsourcing of “male” domestic work in Europe: the cases of the United Kingdom and Germany’ Tina Haux ‘Lone parents and activation – towards a typology of approaches’
Marion E. Jones, Micheal L. Shier, John R. Graham ‘Social exclusion and self- esteem: The impact of the identity – bureaucracy nexus on employed people experiencing homelessness in Calgary, Canada’
Aaron George Grech ‘Assessing the sustainability of pension reforms in Europe’ Dirk Hofäcker, Marge Unt ‘Exploring the ‘new worlds’ of (late?) retirement in

Volume 29, Issue 1, 2013
John Hudson, Anahely Medrano ‘Nation-state global city tensions in social policy: the case of Mexico City's rising social city-zenship’
Philip Haynes, Laura Banks, Michael Hill ‘Social networks amongst older people in OECD countries: a qualitative comparative analysis’
Paul Chaney ‘Electoral discourse and formative structural narratives of welfare divergence in multi-level systems: homelessness policy in UK elections 1970–2011’ Rezvan Ostadalidehaghi, Daniel Béland ‘‘Women without guardians’ in Iran: gender, cultural assumptions, and social policy’
Ross Fergusson, Nicola Yeates ‘Business, as usual: the policy priorities of the World Bank's discourses on youth unemployment, and the global financial crisis’
Pranaya Kumar Swain, Sthitapragyan Ray ‘Social welfare through guaranteed wage employment: experience of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in an Indian state’
Jon Kvist ‘The post-crisis European social model: developing or dismantling social investments?’

Best wishes
Kevin Farnsworth 
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Zoe Irving
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Dr. Kevin Farnsworth
Rm. 204, Alcuin C.
Dept of Social Policy and Social Work
University of York
YO10 5DD
Tel. +44 (0)1904 321207

Co-editor, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy