

Dear colleagues,


We are very excited to announce the start of the Learning and Teaching in Higher Education weekly tweetchat or in short #LTHEchat. These will take place on Wednesday evenings between 8-9pm. The first tweetchat is:  


29th of October, 8pm UK time


The #LTHEchats will be a great opportunity to connect with colleagues from our own and other institutions to discuss learning and teaching. Each week the conversation will be focused around a specific theme and every other week we will be inviting guest chat facilitators.


You can find more information about #LTHEchat and what tweetchats are on the website  and by following the Twitter account @LTHEchat.


We hope that you will join us for some speed CPD and look forward to seeing you on the 29th.


All welcome!


The LTHEchat steering group

Chrissi Nerantzi (MMU), Sue Beckingham (Sheffield Hallam), Peter Reed (University of Liverpool) and Dr David Walker (University of Sussex)