

From: SCRSS [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 6:10 PM
Subject: London-St Petersburg: City and People - Photo Exhibition Launch -
Mon 27 Oct
Venue: SCRSS, 320 Brixton Road, London SW9 6AB
Tel: 020 7274 2282 / Eml: [log in to unmask] / Web:
Monday 27 October, 6.30pm (doors open 6.00pm)
London-St Petersburg: City and People - Photo Exhibition Launch

Launch of the SCRSS's joint photographic project with the St Petersburg
Association for International Cooperation. The exhibition includes
photographic portraits of a range of residents of our two cities from
different social and professional backgrounds. Each one was asked "What does
Britain mean to you?" and "What does Russia mean to you?". Their answers
provide a fascinating insight into how ordinary citizens view each other!
The event is open to SCRSS members and attendees of the following day's
conference "The Role of Public Diplomacy in Fostering Russian-British
Relations". The two photographers will be present, together with the Mayor
of Southwark, and a significant delegation from St Petersburg and Moscow -
in London for the conference.

Following the launch, the exhibition will be on display at the SCRSS from 30
October to 19 December 2014 on weekdays (office hours) and during SCRSS
events. For weekday visits, we recommend that you contact the SCRSS
beforehand to make an appointment.
For more details: .
Ralph Gibson
Hon. Secretary
Society for Co-operation in Russian & Soviet Studies [SCRSS]
SCRSS 320 Brixton Road London SW9 6AB
Tel: 020 7274 2282 / Eml:  <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask] / Web:  <> 
Registered Charity No: 1104012