

Dear Michael Gallagher

I'm afraid I don't know of a poem about a railroad conductor who is a god-like figure. I am circulating your note to various colleagues who may be able to help.

Kipling certainly had a strong interest in railroads, and when he was living in Vermont from 1892 to 1896 he used to enjoy spending time with the station master at Brattleboro and hearing railway stories.

He wrote some twenty stories in which railways figure, among them ".007" in which the main character is a locomotive. In that tale there is a yard-master who is clearly master of all he surveys, and a vivid account of the marshalling yard at night:
Lanterns waved, or danced up and down, before and behind him; and on every side, six tracks deep, sliding backward and forward, with clashings of couplers and squeals of hand-brakes, were cars—more cars than ·007 had dreamed of. There were oil-cars, and hay-cars, and stock-cars full of lowing beasts, and ore-cars, and potato-cars with stovepipe-ends sticking out in the middle; cold-storage and refrigerator cars dripping ice-water on the tracks; ventilated fruit—and milk-cars; flat-cars with truck-waggons full of market-stuff; flat-cars loaded with reapers and binders, all red and green and gilt under the sizzling electric lights; flat cars piled high with strong-scented hides, pleasant hemlock-plank, or bundles of shingles; flat-cars creaking to the weight of thirty-ton castings, angle-irons, and rivet-boxes for some new bridge; and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of box-cars loaded, locked and chalked. Men—hot and angry—crawled among and between and under the thousand wheels; men took flying jumps through his cab, when he halted for a moment; men sat on his pilot as he went forward, and on his tender as he returned; and regiments of men ran along the tops of the box-cars beside him, screwing down brakes, waving their arms, and crying curious things.
In Captains Courageous, a story of cod-fishing on the Grand Banks, a boy is lost overboard from a liner and picked up by a fishing schooner from Gloucester Mass. When his parents in San Diego hear that he is safe, they make an epic journey across America by special car, in eighty-seven hours and thirty-five minutes. There is some vivid description of this feat:
The six-foot drivers were hammering their way to San Bernardino and the Mohave wastes, but this was no grade for speed. That would come later. The heat of the desert followed the heat of the hills as they turned east to the Needles and the Colorado River. The car cracked in the utter drought and glare, and they put crushed ice to Mrs. Cheyne’s neck, and toiled up the long, long grades, past Ash Fork, towards Flagstaff, where the forests and quarries are, under the dry, remote skies. The needle of the speed-indicator flicked and wagged to and fro; the cinders rattled on the roof, and a whirl of dust sucked after the whirling wheels...

... And so they dropped the dry sands and moon-struck rocks of Arizona behind them, and grilled on till the crash of the couplings and the wheeze of the brake-hose told them they were at Coolidge by the Continental Divide. Three bold and experienced men—cool, confident, and dry when they began; white, quivering, and wet when they finished their trick at those terrible wheels—swung her over the great lift from Albuquerque to Glorietta and beyond Springer, up and up to the Raton Tunnel on the State line, whence they dropped rocking into La Junta, had sight of the Arkansaw, and tore down the long slope to Dodge City, where Cheyne took comfort once again from setting his watch an hour ahead...
I hope this is helpful

Maybe colleagues will come up with other suggestions.

All best, John Radcliffe

From: Michael Gallagher <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Thursday, 9 October 2014, 16:03
Subject: Kipling Railroad Poem


I am looking for a Kipling poem for use at the beginning of a chapter of
a book on some American railroads.  This particular poem features a
god-like figure as a railroad conductor.  I was unable to locate such a
poem using your site and online searches.  Are you aware of such a poem?

Thank you.
Michael Gallagher
Wilmington, Delaware, USA