

Discourse, Power and Society  [New Series from Rowman and Littlefield International]

Series Editors: Martin J. Power, Amanda Haynes, Eoin Devereux and Aileen Dillane  (University of Limerick, IRELAND)

Book Proposals Welcome!
The Discourse, Power and Society series will publish edited collections, monographs and textbooks which problematize the relationship of discourse to inequality, exclusion, subjugation, dominance and privilege. In doing so, the linkages between discourse, modes of social organisation, lived experience and strategies of resistance will be addressed. Discourse is understood as both an expression and a mechanism of power, by which means particular social realities are conceived, made manifest, legitimated, naturalized, challenged, resisted and reimagined.
This series is edited by an eponymous interdisciplinary research cluster located at the University of Limerick, Ireland, which provides a platform for researchers working within sociology, sociolinguistics, political science, education, ethnomusicology and social geography to come together to advance their shared interest in the critical analysis of public discourses and the elucidation of their social meaning, significance and material impacts. The publications record of the series editors – Drs Martin J. Power, Amanda Haynes, Aileen Dillane and Eoin Devereux – reflects the interdisciplinarity of the endeavor, each utilizing discourse analysis as theory and method, across the fields of sociology, ethnomusicology, popular music, cultural studies and media studies.
Theoretically, books in this series are envisaged as:
•Illuminating the generative power of discourse in constructing, sustaining and challenging inequitable modes of social organization.
•Interrogating the potential of discourse to both foreclose and promote alternative frameworks of understanding within the public consciousness.
•Uncovering the conditions under which established and radical discourses flourish or are dismissed.
Empirically, the series editors are particularly interested in publishing work which:
•Documents the frameworks of understanding proffered by contemporary and historical discourses, including their temporal and cultural specificities
•Unearths the historical roots of popular and ‘common sense’ discourses.
•Unpacks the socio-political contexts which inform discourses.
•Uncovers the interests served by specific discursive formations.
Methodologically, the series will welcome texts which:
•Address key ontological and epistemological debates within the broad field of discourse analysis.
•Curate collections of essays by cutting edge researchers on approaches to discourse analysis as method.
•Provide introductory and supporting materials aimed at final year undergraduate and postgraduate students who are new to the analysis of discourse.
The discourses, which form the subject matter of this series, will include both mainstream and alternative public, political, policy, legal, musical and cultural discourses. This interdisciplinary collection will include texts located in sociology, cultural studies, musicology, socio-linguistics, social psychology, legal studies, political science, education and more. A range of theoretical perspectives are anticipated, including but not limited to Foucauldian discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis (drawing on Van Dijk, Wodak and Fairclough), traditions originating with Laclau and Mouffe and Bourdieusian treatments.

More details:

Informal inquiries are welcome:  email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

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