


it depends on what exactly you want to do.

1) If you only want to do TBSS on the data you already analysed, there is
no problem.
Put all FA data (subject_number_FA.nii) in one folder and start running
TBSS (cd into that directory and hit: tbss_1_preproc *.nii).

2) If, however, you want to recreate all FAs with tools from FSL, I think
you have to invert the x or z  bvecs (not sure anymore). Best create the
tensors in a preliminary subject with dtifit and  have a look at the
dti_V1.nii.gz  with FSLview, display option RGB and Lines).


2014-10-09 1:48 GMT+02:00 Mauro Serra <[log in to unmask]>:

> Hi all,
> I have been provided with some DTI data which have been converted from
> Dicom to Nifti using mrconvert in MRtrix.
> I read that MRtrix and FSL use different gradient direction tables so I
> have to reorient the bvecs in order to use this data to do a TBSS in FSL.
> I tried to find some info on how to do that but I failed,do you have any
> idea? also I have a lot of participants so, since I guess this is a common
> issue I was wondering if some of you have already generated a script to do
> the reorientation.
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Best,
> Mauro.

Dr Markus Gschwind
Functional Brain Mapping Laboratory | Campus Biotech - Neuroscience
Department | phone +
postal adress:  9 Chemin des Mines | Case postale 60 | 1211 Genève 20,