

I have been reading a paper and I have been following its methodology step
by step but there are a couple of issues I do not understand how to do and
I would be very grateful if anyone of you could help me with them.

*- First point it says: *

"A diffusion-weighted image was rigidly transformed to T1 images and each
T1 image was non linearly transformed to MNI space"

Well, I have done it, but then it follows:
*The concatenation of these two transformations was used to transform FA
images to MNI space?!! How??*

*- Second point it says*:

*....the deep white matter regions from the ICBM-DTI-81 white matter labels
atlas were removed from the resulting mask?! How?? *I figure that I have to
binarize and set to 0 the labels from ICBM_DTI_81 atlas....but I am unsure
about if this is correct....

Thank you in advance for all your kindness and your time.

Yours sincerely,