

I appreciate you reply Douglas,

Humble pie for me indeed with reference to evidence whether the endemic increase of NCD as seen young people in the developed world is related to vaccines but that is because Public Health or CDC don't check for that. This is the bias that I am addressing.

An other bias, in vaccine VE studies, is whether there is a shift to an other commensal that becomes virulent.
We are awash with viruses, bacteria, fungi etc that keep us healthy. Taking one out of the Human Microbiome might have repercussions? Could it be that the serious cases of Enterovirus D68 is due to antiviral/antibacterial vaccinations? Eterovirus D68 has caused severe respiratory illnesses and 4 deaths in the USA.
According to wikipedia "First isolated in California in 1962 and considered rare, it has been on a worldwide upswing in the 21st century"

"Dengue incidence has increased in the Americas over the past three decades, from 16.4 cases per  100,000 in the 1980s to 218.3 per 100,000 during the decade 2000-2010."

Personally I don't think that Public Health or the CDC inform people properly so that the public can make up their own mind about vaccination. Particularly if they start to mask people who made up their own mind. "New York State’s Mandate to Vaccinate or Mask"

These important possible harms from vaccines are not discussed because of institutionalized thinking, which becomes the norm in society. You came out with just such sound bite: "we have seen already too 
many examples of the harm from unsubstantiated theories". Douglas, what harm in Western World specifically do you mean? Is it harm to the CDC and Public Health objectives (vaccine penetration) rather than people?

In the area of vaccines, to me, sound bites and normativity rules in these public health institutions - implicit biases and unconscious stereotypes hampers proper public health infectious diseases research. 

My worry is that, within the vaccine area, due to the "Hidden Curriculum" public health - and CDC researchers are not able (allowed?) to think about, let alone talk about the possibility that vaccines might not be all good. To me, this is a very dangerous situation, on a global humanitarian scale.