

Overdiagnosis as an extreme form of length-time bias. Breast cancer screening as an example.
-Juan Gérvas, MD, PhD

2014-10-12 12:16 GMT+02:00 Pra43 <[log in to unmask]>:
Thanks Juan,
The whole 'move' on over-diagnosis (I agree there is real over-diagnosis problem) seems to portray the situation or problem as being caused by 'us' the clinicians or the medical 'establishment'. Although there is that, is there much work done/being considered on the role of the patients/ carers/ parents in that? Many are Pushing clinicians to 'find' a diagnosis, a cause..? This is what I see commonly in my practice: seeing the 'worried well' probably more than what we do 'worrying the well'.

Of course there is the chicken & egg situation: we pushed for overdiagnosis, our work is accessible to the public, they become aware, they come asking for diagnosis, we push for more work on diagnosis...


On 12 Oct 2014, at 09:59, Juan Gérvas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

-juan gérvas
<overdiagnosis pediatrics 2014.pdf>