

Again, I appreciate all of your suggestions. I have tried many of them and I am excited to report that I have had great success with the Crank-2 Enhanced EP pipeline in ccp4 as recommended by Navraj Pannu. Even without my partial rosetta model, Crank2 was able to build a model that covers ~85% of my structure- much better than my partial rosetta model that only covers ~50%. Because I only gave crank2 my iodide dataset and my sequence, it was encouraging to see that the Crank2 model aligns quite well with my partial rosetta model. 

I hope that others who have datasets with weak anomalous signal give crank2 a try!

Thanks again,

On Oct 13, 2014, at 4:06 PM, Gabriel Salzman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I appreciate all of your responses and I will give your recommendations a try!
> Thanks,
> Gabriel
> On Oct 13, 2014, at 1:50 PM, Kay Diederichs <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hi Gabriel,
>> what you want to do is called MRSAD - use the partial MR model to find the sites, combine the phase information, and complete the model. There are hits with the keyword MRSAD if you search on
>> HTH,
>> Kay