

Since we're into googling, from wikipedia;


From cute (sly/clever, shrewd or perceptive) and whore

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 12:43 PM, David Latane <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
cute hoor
phrase used in Ireland to describe a slippery customer, a rogue, a charlatan, someone who seems upstanding or innocent and mild but who never misse...
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From: JIMMY CUMMINS <[log in to unmask]>

Sean just because a phrase is "irish" or "old" or mostly directed at men doesn't preclude it from being sexist. there is no assumptions being made here and it is far from a case of it being over the PG mark. it is just a case of you using language that is no longer acceptable in circles where people actually care about the language used. 


Alison Croggon
ABC Arts Online Performance Critic
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