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Announcing Black Mirror 0 and the I:MAGE catalogue

Newsletter | vol. 22 | no. 9 | 3 October 2014

Announcing Black Mirror 0: territory, and a very limited edition catalogue for I:MAGE 2014...
I:MAGE 2014 – Travelling with Unfamiliar Spirits

Yes, I:MAGE is nearly upon us. This official limited edition catalogue documents in full colour our core exhibition at the Cob Gallery and the two week festival celebrating esoteric art that surrounds it. These events bring together for the first time a wide range of artists and projects from across the world, each of them sharing an individual approach to working with spirit entities. PLEASE NOTE: Those attending the Warburg event on Saturday 25th are advised a signed version of this catalogue is included in the price of admission. [more]
BLACK MIRROR 0: territory

Black Mirror is a new research network that seeks to examine ways in which the occult and the esoteric are at the heart of art practice, both now, and throughout the modernist period. This is the first of a 12 volume peer-reviewed series that seeks to re-examine the contested territories of both the arts and the esoteric, which are inhabited by artists, occult practitioners and academics alike… [more]

Our good friend Phil Beeken has produced a video trailer for the I:MAGE exhibition which can now be viewed on the FULGUR website. Our sincere thanks go to Phil, who will also be video documenting the entire exhibition and many of the surrounding events [view trailer]


Abraxas #6 

We are expecting delivery of the paperback issue within the next few days. The hardback issue will follow shortly thereafter. We will aim to ship all single-issue pre-orders within the next ten days. Customers who have also ordered Luminous Screen will receive both issues after I:MAGE.

Warm regards,

Robert Ansell, Livia Filotico and Nicholas Crowe

I:MAGE at the Warburg Institute
Host: Robert Ansell
Speakers: Marco Pasi, Susan L. Aberth, Gary Lachman, Amy Hale, Daniel Zamani and Pam Grossman
Saturday 25th October 2014

All day £60.00 (price includes day of lectures, limited edition catalogue, morning refreshments and evening drinks and canapés)

Fulgur invites you to a full day of lectures on spirits and esoteric art at the prestigious Warburg Institute. Speakers include Susan Aberth on Leonora Carrington, Marco Pasi on the early abstractions of Georgiana Houghton and Amy Hale on colour as invocation. Following the lectures at the Warburg is a private party at Treadwell’s Bookshop (for ticket holders only).  A special edition I:MAGE catalogue signed by the speakers, artists and organisers will be available to attendees only.  For full details follow the link for tickets 

The Colours of Western Esotericism 
Jesse Bransford
Wednesday 22nd October 2014
£7.00 2hrs


For esoteric artists colour has enormous potential for facilitating lateral thinking and free association. As a history of the idea of colours from antiquity to the present, the workshop will rely primarily on colour ‘systems’ articulated in Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy and the work of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. As a hands on practium, the workshop will weave participants down a path towards an understanding of colour that will enable novel constructions and enhance one’s visual and/or esoteric practice. 

Seiðr and the Veil of Dreams

Jesse Bransford & Dr. Robert Wallis
Thursday 23rd October 2014
£7.00 1hr 30mins


Between April and October 2014 Fulgur artist Jesse Bransford worked with Max Razdow on ‘The Veil of Dreams’, an I:MAGE art project involving dream synchronicities, Seidr shamanistic practices and an initiatory journey to the Icelandic geothermal pools. Tonight, he will talk about the spirits he met and created and show photo documentation of this incredible magical working.

In the second part of the evening, Jesse Bransford will be joined by Prof. Robert Wallis and I:MAGE co-curator Livia Filotico for a panel discussion on the role of dream visions for art, magic and creativity. Questions and insights from the audience will follow.

The original dream journals will be on display along with original artworks that emerged from this magical collaboration.

Goddess, Speak
Caroline Wise in conversation with Liz Insogna
Tuesday 28th October 2014
£7.00 1hr 30mins


Liz Insogna is a New York based artist who after 10 years in the fine art world has more recently began working with the Goddess through the self-initiatory path of art. Today, Caroline Wise interviews her about her first magical experiences, about art as a magical practice and about the changes in perspective which occur after one begins to look at the world through magical symbols. Liz is currently conducting her first cycle of Goddess invocations and documenting her experiences on the I:MAGE blog. Several of her paintings will be exhibited at I:MAGE. Caroline Wise Caroline has been involved with the Goddess movement for 30 years, and works in esoteric publishing. 

Black Mirror Volume 0: Launch Party
Judith Noble, Dominic Shepherd and Mark Titchner
Thursday 30th October 2014
FREE 3hrs


Fulgur and University Arts Bournemouth invite you to the first official event by Black Mirror, a research network exploring the relationship between modern and contemporary art and the occult. Tonight we launch Territory the first volume produced by the network and published by Fulgur. We will celebrate with a performance by Mark Titchner entitled The Fool. Contributors to this volume include Massimo Introvigne, Gavin Parkinson and Ulli Seegers amongst others. Speeches from the network coordinators begin at 7:30pm. Performance begins at 8pm.

PLEASE NOTE: Places are limited, so please make a reservation by emailing [log in to unmask].

Embodied Spirits and Fetishes
David Graeber
Saturday 1st November 2014
£7.00 1hr 15mins


In tonight’s talk our speaker will explore the relationship between creativity, magic, nature and spirits, and introduce us to the concept of the fetish from an anthropological perspective. The lecture will be followed by a closing party and a ritual art installation. David Graeber is an anthropologist, author, anarchist and activist who is currently Professor of Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics. David conducted fieldwork in Madagascar where he studied magic.

Abraxas Luminous Screen Launch Party and Screenings
Hosts: The Horse Hospital
Sunday 2nd November 2014
£5.00 in advance, £7.00 on the door 3hrs


Join us for the launch of Luminous Screen, our second special issue of Abraxas, edited by Jack Sargeant. Following the theme of I:MAGE, tonight’s event will be focused on spirit possession across different cultures. Tonight’s programme includes the screening of Kelly Hayes’ evocative documentary on Quimbanda Slaves of the Saints, a talk by anthropologist and film maker Chiara Ambrosio on southern Italian possession phenomena and a discussion panel on possession in western esotericism. This event is brought to you by Fulgur and Strange Attractor and will take place at the Horse Hospital. 

I:MAGE 2014, Travelling with Unfamiliar Spirits
@ The Cob Gallery
205 Royal College Street, LONDON NW1 0SG
21 October 2014 – 2 November 2014

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