

Whatever the problems with the NHS, they do not compare with those of the US misnamed health care delivery system, which is reckoned by international organizations to be the worst in the so-called developed world. Should you read the content to which these links point, if you are like me, you will be sick. It is truly nauseating. But it is an almost inevitable consequence of a private medical care system. How anyone with half a brain could wish to put in place a system like this, knowing what we now know, is a mystery, at least to me. No doubt those of you more deeply cynical than I could think of one or more reasons.
By the way, today's Observer has a review of a book written by one of Osborne's fans. The review, by Chris Mullin, is not by one of Osborne's fan club. A fawning biography of one of austerity's greatest fans.
Speaking of austerity, a poll I took part in, which has a different question now, showed that the average reader of Project Syndicate thought that austerity was bad policy. It is beginning to appear that the general public thinks so, too.
Dr L Brownstein
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Radical Statistics
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