Graduates holding an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification in librarianship or information science are encouraged to apply for the European Parliament's internship (traineeship) scheme. The scheme is general and for graduates of all disciplines, but candidates may specify in their applications that they want to work in the Library, which is now part of the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services. In previous years we have had one or two LIS graduates in each intake.

The internships are paid and last 5 months, starting on 1 March and 1 October each year.
The work undertaken by an intern in the Library would comprise a mixture of the following:
- duties on the information desk in the Reading Room
- enquiry work
- managing web pages of current awareness on policy areas
- cataloguing and indexing (using MARC21/AACR2) of internal publications
- contributing to the Library's social media presence
Interns receive appropriate training and supervision throughout their time here.
For further information, potential candidates should consult the webpage on Traineeships in the European Parliament:

The deadline for internships starting on 1 March is 15 October. Applications are made online.





Neil Murray

Administrator – Information Specialist

On-site and Online Library Services Unit

Directorate for the Library

EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service

BRU +32 2 284 20 50 – STR +33 3 8 17 81 00 |



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