

Dear colleagues

Chris Keenan and I are very pleased to invite you to join us in Manchester on 17 November 2014 for a very special event. 


The publication of our report for the Higher Education Academy entitled Mapping Peer Led Learning UK provides us with an opportunity to draw together a community of staff, and students, around this important and exciting area of student experience. We are pleased that Professor Stephanie Marshall (Chief Executive Officer of the Higher Education Academy) will provide our opening keynote message, and other special guests will be joining us on the day to lead and facilitate discussion on a range of themes that include: student perspectives, potential for collaboration and partnership, and international perspectives.   The afternoon panel and themed discussions will give plenty of opportunity to explore in more depth some key issues in the field of student led  academic learning.


In addition to group discussions there will be an opportunity for you to share your work through poster presentations and we welcome posters from both staff and students, please see attached information.


The attached programme provides more detail about the event which is free to attend.  Please note that places are limited and we would advise early registration. We welcome registration from both staff and student leaders. Registration, should be made via this link and will close on Friday 17 October.  Confirmation of places will be sent out as soon as possible after Monday 20 October.  There is no charge to attend this event and light refreshments will be provided.

Best Wishes,

Marcia Ody and Chris Keenan

Marcia Ody l Teaching and Learning Manager  l  Teaching and Learning Support Office  l  Directorate for the Student Experience l  John Owens Building  l  The University of Manchester  l  Oxford Road  l  Manchester, M13 9PL  l 

Tel +44 (0) 161 275 3254 l  Fax +44 (0) 161 275 7354  l


PLEASE NOTE: I work part time and I am not normally in the office on a Thursday and Friday.