


Another issue that's come up as I try to just plow through things despite my prior nets_nodepics error.

I'm trying to also pre-mask things at T=8 and I'm getting a strange error here as well. I get a similar error (the 'undefined function or variable 't' for nanmean) if I try to compute a netmat using the pairwise causality method.

>> netmats=netmats3;  [grotH,grotP,grotCI,grotSTATS]=ttest(netmats);  netmats(:,abs(grotSTATS.tstat)<8)=0;
??? Undefined function or variable 't'.

Error in ==> nanmean at 7
N = sum(~isnan(t), dim);

Error in ==> ttest at 104
xmean = nanmean(x,dim);


On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Paul Beach <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi there,

I'm trying to get FSLnets to run things from ICA/dual reg. I've run the slices summary command and that "seems" to run fine, in that I get output .png files.

This is where things get weird.

First, if I look at the pictures, the functional component is way off from the MNI152 template. This doesn't make sense to me because the melodic_IC.nii.gz file is registered properly.

But, just for kicks and giggles I tried running the initial steps of my .m file in matlab. There I get another error related to output from slices_summary:
>> nets_nodepics(ts,group_maps);

 Cannot open /Volumes/UNTITLED/SUBJECTS/GroupICA.gica/groupmelodic.ica/melodic_IC.sum/0000.png for reading
??? Error using ==> imread at 374
File "/private/tmp/tp6b7c287f_9f1a_4a8b_b8c9_49f36326958b.png" does not

Error in ==> nets_nodepics at 16

Are there any thoughts for how to get things looking and running properly?


Paul Beach
DO/PhD candidate - Year VI
Michigan State University
- College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Neuroscience Program
 - MSU Cognitive and Geriatric Neurology Team (CoGeNT)

Paul Beach
DO/PhD candidate - Year VI
Michigan State University
- College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Neuroscience Program
 - MSU Cognitive and Geriatric Neurology Team (CoGeNT)