

Dear List Members,

I have run fslvbm steps 1 and 2 without problem. The rwo revie steps suggested after fslvbm_2_template -n both look good.

Is it possible that the design.mat or the design.con files I am using with fslvbm_3_proc could be causing the error I am receiving?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best wishes,

Salil Soman, MD, MS

However when I run fslvbm _ 3 _ proc, 3A seems to work but 3b returns the
following error:

"ERROR: Program failed

An exception has been thrown
Data mask is blank.

ERROR: Program failed

An exception has been thrown
Data mask is blank.

ERROR: Program failed

An exception has been thrown
Data mask is blank.


Any suggestions on how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Salil Soman, MD, MS
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Stanford Radiological Sciences Laboratory
Fellow - Palo Alto War Related Illness and Injury Study Center
WOC Neuroradiology Attending - Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System